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Below, some of Iota Zeta Zeta's programs are listed. Each are infused with the founding principles of our sorority. IZZ participates in a myriad of projects in the community, but below we have listed the national initiatives and our signature chapter programs that we participate in annually.  

March of Dimes March for Babies/Prematurity Awareness Program


Our chapter participates in the March of Dimes walk by raising funds and/or registration to join in the fight to ensure babies are born healthy. We also work with the MOD on a national level, as they support us in our national signature program, Stork’s Nest. 


The Prematurity Awareness Program occurs in November, working with the March of Dimes to focus  the nation’s attention on premature births by getting the message out to communities, churches, and the public-at-large. 

 Cook for Kids at Crisis Nursery

Several times during the year, IZZ cooks lunch and spends time with the children at the Minneapolis Crisis Nursery. The nursery's purpose is to end child abuse and neglect by assisting parents and collaborating with local county and community organizations to create strong, healthy families. Parents and caregivers are able to drop their child off for an emergency break for up to 72 hours. 

 Effie McKerson Scholarship


Iota Zeta Zeta is proud to offer the Effie McKerson Book Scholarship. This scholarship is annually awarded to a female graduating senior, who is active in her community, academically successful, and planning to attend college in the fall. If you would like to apply or know a student who fits these criteria, please download the application here.

© 2022 by Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter Webmistress

Scholarship                                                               Service                                                                         Sisterhood                                                      Finer Womanhood 

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